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Showing posts from August, 2018

"Honour" Killings: Eu Tu Kerala?

                             Kerala is considered to be one of the most progressive   states of India. But it seems to be taking a regressive path if the number of   honour killings is anything to go by. The killing by male members of a female family member who is perceived to have brought dishonour upon the family is called an honour killing. It is true that the number of honour killings is low in kerala   when compared to the   north Indian states like Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana. But according to The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) five honour   killings have taken place in kerala since 2014.This information is quite disturbing.   Marriage is viewed as an economic and social institution in India; and great importance is given to the socio-economic advantages that the alliance brings to the families concerned. The emotional or intellectual compatibility of the spo...

Saudi Arabian Women Drive their Way into History.

photo                At the stroke of the midnight hour on the 23 rd   of June, the Saudi women who had had their licences ready,   got behind the wheel and hit the roads to   celebrate the historic end of the ban on women’s driving. Delirious with delight, they appeared on Saudi television and on social media to hail the lifting of the ban. For the first time in the history of Saudi Arabia, women will be legally allowed to take driving lessons , apply for and get the driver’s licence. This freedom to drive comes after more than three decades of activism by daring women. Some of these women who dared to campaign for the right to drive are still behind bars   because in a theocratic kingdom like Saudi Arabia that follows the strictest of Sharia laws, any activism connected with new-fangled isms like feminism, communism and atheism   is  deemed illegal. The women- activists stil...

A Tribute to Leela Menon , the Trail Blazer

photo courtesy:the Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.                                     Robert Frost                                                    Leela Menon (86), the   Chief Editor of Janmabhoomi Daily   who died   at an old-age home   in Ernakulam on the 3 rd of June, 2018   is considered to be   a trail blazer in the field of journalism. Ms. Menon had always desired to tread   untrodden paths. Hence, in 1949, after joining as a clerk at a post office in Hyderabad she learnt telegraphy and became the only woman telegraphist at that time. She created history when she ventured into the male-dominated world of journalism ...

She Pens to Protest

                                                                                                                                 I write                                                         Because   I cannot bite                                                         It’s the way Image courtesy:             ...

Aswathy Jwala and the Liga Missing Case

         Photo courtesy: english                     Of late, the social activist Aswathy has been in the  news for all the wrong reasons. She has, all of a sudden, become persona non grata for the Police and the Government. It was about five years ago that Aswathy founded an organization in Thiruvananthapuram for the upliftment of the downtrodden; and she had christened it Jwala because her desire to alleviate the sufferings of mankind was like an inextinguishable fire in her heart. Aswathy became a controversial figure after she became involved in the Liga missing case.  Accompanied by her sister Ilse, Liga the Latvian tourist had come to an Ayurvedic Healing Centre in Thiruvananthapuram in connection with her treatment for depression. On March 14, Liga just disappeared from the Healing Centre. A distraught Ilse was directed by some well-meaning souls to meet Aswat...